Arise Work From Home Call Center
Our call center is a Virtual Work From Home call center which was created to provide legitimate work at home opportunities to individuals wishing to improve their quality of life by offering exceptional customer service by working from home to reputable companies.
Why Should You Choose Us ?
Benefits of working with us are as follows:
What is/are the service fees an IBO charges? Arise doesn’t pay any separate fees or income to the IBO’s. Therefore, the IBO’s have to charge the service fees from the agents to cover the operational cost and profit. The general ways of charging the service fees by different IBO’s are:
a. A fixed service fees Which ranges from $30.00 to $150.00 per pay cheque. (We charge only $30.00 per pay cheque. there are 2 pay cheques in a month)
b. A percent of your Income. (Generally, 10%)
c. Reduced income per hour. (Like if client pays you $18.00 then the IBO will give you only $15.00)
d. Some IBO’s charge either all the 3 or 2 out of the above points.
We pay complete hourly payment to the agents. Like many others, we don’t reduce your hourly payment to make profits.
Our 24x7 support is exceptional and unmatched because of our parent company’s large team and support tools which caters to all our call center needs.
We give Referral Rewards like none other. Ask us that how can you get the referral reward of $130.00
Below are some important details which as an agent you must know.